Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kennedy - 1st grade

Well Monday August 25th was a big day for Kennedy. She started the 1st grade. She asked me if she'll go all day until night time. She was so exccited to start 1st grade because her really good friend Jimena that lives next door is in her class and she gets to eat lunch at school. I think it was harder on me this year then when she went to kindergarten. I just keep thinking ALL DAY and I'm even letting her ride the bus to and from school. She has grown up so much. We love her so much and it's a blessing to have her in our lives. Good luck in 1st grade.

Tribute to our brother and uncle

Ryan's brother Lane is currently serving in Iraq for the second time. We want to let him know that we love him and think about him all the time. We support him and all our soldiers for what they're doing for our Country and family. We pray for there safety and hope they come home soon. Lane's wife Michelle made this wonderful video and I wanted to post it so more people can see what our soldiers are doing and going through for our country. GOD BLESS ALL OUR SOLDIERS AND GOD BLESS THE USA!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tennessee Vacation

left - Grandpa & Reagan Aunt Jodi & Kennedy
right - Kennedy (yellow) & Reagan (blue)

left - Reagan & Jackson
right - Kennedy

left - Aunt Jodi & Jackson
right - Jackson eating a lemon

Kennedy & Reagan Bowling

left - Kennedy & Reagan feeding goats at the fair
right - Kennedy & Reagan swimming

We're in Tennessee for a week on vacation visiting my sister Jodi and her family. My kids and I came with my parents. Ryan had to stay home and work. We miss him sooo much. We've been here for 3 days and we're having so much fun. We went to a place called Chuckles that has go-carts, games, lazier tag, etc. We also went bowling, swimming and the fair. While out to eat we gave Jackson a lemon and he loved it (as you can tell in the picture). Well I'm new to blogging so I hope this works. I found a couple of my cousins blogs while on the Internet today and thought they were way cute so I thought I would give it a try. Here we go!!!