Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tennessee Vacation

left - Grandpa & Reagan Aunt Jodi & Kennedy
right - Kennedy (yellow) & Reagan (blue)

left - Reagan & Jackson
right - Kennedy

left - Aunt Jodi & Jackson
right - Jackson eating a lemon

Kennedy & Reagan Bowling

left - Kennedy & Reagan feeding goats at the fair
right - Kennedy & Reagan swimming

We're in Tennessee for a week on vacation visiting my sister Jodi and her family. My kids and I came with my parents. Ryan had to stay home and work. We miss him sooo much. We've been here for 3 days and we're having so much fun. We went to a place called Chuckles that has go-carts, games, lazier tag, etc. We also went bowling, swimming and the fair. While out to eat we gave Jackson a lemon and he loved it (as you can tell in the picture). Well I'm new to blogging so I hope this works. I found a couple of my cousins blogs while on the Internet today and thought they were way cute so I thought I would give it a try. Here we go!!!

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